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Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

Tropical Aquaculture Lab Publications

The following research publications are authored or co-authored by UF Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory faculty, staff, and/or students.


Vorbach, B.S., J. Zhou, Y. Lang, J.B. Bulitta, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2024. Population pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin and florfenicol in the Giant Danio (Devario aequipinnatus) following oral administration of both antibiotics and bath administration of enrofloxacin. Aquaculture 579:740222.
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Sheehy, A., K. Shahin, A. Camus, R. Francis-Floyd, R. Yanong, S. Fogelson, and E. Soto. 2023. Diagnosis of piscine francisellosis in Largemouth Bass from a public display exhibit in north-central Florida, USA. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.
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Lipscomb, T.N., R.P. Yanong, S.W. Ramee, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2023. Larval digestive system ontology and early weaning in Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.
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Tuckett, Q.M., T.J. Lyons, and J.E. Hill. 2023. Thermal tolerance for three ornamental tankbuster catfishes. Aquatic Invasions 18(4):533-542.
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Breton, T.S., S. Fike, M. Francis, M. Patnaude, C.A. Murray, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2023. Characterizing the SREB G protein-coupled receptor family in fish: brain gene expression and genomic differences in upstream transcription factor binding sites. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 285:111507.
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Tuckett, Q.M., M. Alo, M. DiMaggio, L. Kaufman, J. Okechi, C. Patmagrian, J. Patterson, A. Wood, and R. Yanong. 2023. Critical thermal limits for Astatotilapia piceata, a possibly extinct in the wild Lake Victoria cichlid fish. AACL Bioflux 16(3):1384-1389.
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Hill, J.E., A. Durland-Donahou, E.S. Wooley, L.N. Lapham, and Q.M. Tuckett. 2023. Narrowing the horizon: Using known invasives and propagule pressure to focus risk screening efforts on potential invasives. Fishes 8(5):266.
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Hewson, I, I.T. Ritchie, J.S. Evans, A. Altera, D. Behringer, E. Bowman, M. Brandt, K.A. Budd, R.A. Camacho, T.O. Cornwell, P.D. Countway, A. Croquer, G.A. Delgado, C. Derito, E. Duermit-Moreau, R. Francis-Floyd, S. Gittens Jr., L. Henderson, A. Hylkema, C.A. Kellogg, Y. Kiryu, K.A. Kitson-Walters, P. Kramer, J.C. Lang, H. Lessios, L. Liddy, D. Marancik, S. Nimrod, J.T. Patterson, M. Pistor, I.C. Romero, R. Sellares-Blasco, M.L.B. Sevier, W.C. Sharp, M. Souza, A. Valdez-Trinidad, M. Van Der Laan, B. Vilanova-Cuevas, M. Villalpando, S.D. Von Hoene, M. Warham, T. Wiljers, S.M. Williams, T.M. Work, R.P. Yanong, S. Zambrano, A. Zimmerman, and M. Breitbart. 2023. A scuticociliate causes mass mortality of Diadema antillarum in the Caribbean Sea. Sciences Advances 9:16.
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Koda, S.A., K. Subramaniam, J.M. Groff, R.P. Yanong, D.B. Pouder, M. Pedersen, C. Pelton, M.M. Garner, N.B.D. Phelps, A.G. Armien, M.W. Hyatt, P.M. Hick, J.A. Becker, M.F. Stidworthy and T.B. Waltzek. 2023. Genetic characterization of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus in Banggai Cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni identified from eight separate cases between 2000 and 2017. Journal of Fish Diseases.
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Tuckett, Q.M., J.L. Ritch, L.L. Lawson, J. Colee, and J.E. Hill. 2023. Advertent domestication attenuates the influence of propagule pressure. Biological Invasions.
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Pilnick, A.R., J.A. Henry, D. Hensley, J.L. Akins, J.T. Patterson, and D. Lirman. Long-term retention and density-dependent herbivory from Diadema antillarum following translocation onto a reef restoration site. Coral Reefs 42:629-634.
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Henry, J.O., S. Szereday, C.K. Lynn, D.J. Suggett, E.F. Camp, and J.T. Patterson. 2023. Using relative return-on-effort scoring to evaluate a novel coral nursery in Malaysia. Restoration Ecology 31(3):e13767.
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Cody, T.T., Y. Kiryu, M.D. Bakenhaster, K. Subramaniam, M.Tabuchi, M.S. Ahasan, H.E. Harris, J.H. Landsberg, T.B. Waltzek, A.Q. Fogg, C. Shea, D.B. Pouder, W.F. Patterson III, M.E. Emory, and R.P. Yanong. 2023. Cutaneous ulcerative lesions of unknown etiology affecting Lionfish Pterois spp. in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 35(1):20-33.
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Sowaske, G., C.A. Murray, S.W. Hutchins, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2023. Evaluation of larviculture protocols for the Pacific Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus). Aquaculture 565:739116.0. 
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Murray, C.A., O.I. Markham, S.W. Hutchins, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2023. Characterizing the gastrointestinal development and digestive enzyme ontogeny of larval Amphiprion ocellaris. Aquaculture 563:738897.
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Wijers, T., A. Hylkema, A.R. Pilnick, A.J. Murk, and J.T. Patterson. 2023. Novel shaker bottle cultivation method for the Long Spined Sea Urchin (Diadema antillarum; Philippi, 1845) results in high larval survival and settlement rates. Aquaculture 562:738855.
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Hylkema, A., K.A. Kitson-Walters, P.R. Kramer, J.T. Patterson, L. Roth, M.L.B. Servier, M. Vega-Rodriguez, M.M. Warham, S.M. Williams, and J.C. Lang. 2023. The 2022 Diadema antillarrum die-off event: comparisons with the 1983-1984 mass mortality. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:1067449.
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Sharp, W.C., G.A. Delgado, A.R. Pilnick, and J.T. Patterson. 2023. Diurnal sheltering behavior of hatchery-propagated Long-Spined Urchins (Diadema antillarum): a re-examination following husbandry refinements. Bulletin of Marine Science 99(2):97-108.
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Pilnick, A.R., K.L. O'Neil, M.A. DiMaggio, and J.T. Patterson. 2022. Development of larviculture protocols for the Long-spined Sea Urchin (Diadema antillarum) and enhanced performance with diets containing the cryptophyte Rhodomonas lens. Aquaculture International 30:3017-3034.
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Lipscomb, T.N., R.P. Yanong, S.W. Ramee, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2022. Larval digestive system ontogeny and early weaning in Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.
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Shopnitz, F.A., C.L. Ohs, E.H. Silvy, J.S. Broach, M.A. DiMaggio, J.T. Patterson, and A. Collins. 2022. Evaluation of anesthesia protocols for handling Hogfish using tricaine methanesulfonate and AQUI-S 20E. North American Journal of Aquaculture 84(3):304-312.
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Hassan, Md.M., A.R. Pilnick, A.M. Petrosino, J. Harpring, C.J. Schwab, K.L. O'Neil, and J.T. Peterson. 2022. Growth and foraging behavior of hatchery propagated Long-spined Sea Urchins, Diadema antillarum: Implications for aquaculture and restocking.  Aquaculture Reports 26:1011298.
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Bullard, S.A., F. Moravec, S.P. Ksepska, M.B. Warren, H.R. Dutton, D.G. Huffman, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2022. Huffmanela cf. huffmani (Nemotada: Trichosomioididae) infecting swim bladder, peritoneum, and gonad of Variable Platyfish, Xiphophorus variatus (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) and Eastern Mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki (Poeciliidae) in Florida; taxonomy, phylogenic analysis and pathological changes. Parasitology Research 121(8): 2307-2323. 
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Vilizzi, L., J.E. Hill, M. Piria, and G.H. Copp. 2022. A protocol for screening potentially invasive non-native species using Weed Risk Assessment-type decision-support tools. Science of the Total Environment Volume 832:154966.
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Breton, T.S., C.A. Murray, S. Huff, A.M. Phaneuf, B. Tripp, S.J. Patuel, C.J. Martyniuk, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2022. Phoenixin-14 alters transcriptome and steroid profiles in female Green-spotted Puffer (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis). Scientific Reports (12):9454.   
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Boldt, N.C., C.R. Engle, J. van Senten, E.J. Cassiano, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2022.  A regulatory cost assessment of ornamental aquaculture farms in Florida. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 54(3):714-733.
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Ohs, C.L., A.H. Beany, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2022. Survey of Florida marine baitfish retailers: Assessment of wholesale supply and the market potential for cultured Pinfish and Pigfish. Aquaculture Economics & Management 26(1):57-76.
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Lipscomb, T.N., A. Durland Donahou, R.P. Yanong, N.C. Boldt, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2022. Investigations into early larval feeding practices for the Tiger Barb Puntigrus tetrazona. North American Journal of Aquaculture 84(1):53-65. 
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Lawson, K.M. and J.E. Hill. 2022. Life history strategies differentiate established from failed non-native freshwater fish in peninsular Florida. Diversity and Distributions 28(1):160-172. 
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Koda, S.A., K. Subramaniam, D.B. Pouder, R.P.Y. Yanong, S. Frasca Jr., V.L. Popov, and T.B. Waltzek. 2021. Complete genome sequences of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus isolated from farmed Albino Rainbow Sharks Epalzeorhynchos frenatum in the United States.  Virus Genes 57:448-452.
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Yanong, R.P.E. 2021. Preliminary investigations in use of metomidate for euthanasia of ornamental fishes. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 33(3):133-138.
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Tuckett, Q.M., K.M. Lawson, T.N. Lipscomb, J.E. Hill, W.M. Daniel, and Z.A. Siders. 2021. Non-native poeciliids in hot water: the role of thermal springs in facilitating invasion of tropical species. Hydrobiologia 848:4731-4745. 
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Henry, J.A., K.L. O'Neil, A.R. Pilnick, and J.T. Patterson. 2021. Strategies for integrating sexually propagated corals into Caribbean reef restoration: experimental results and considerations. Coral Reefs 40(5):1667-1677. 
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Henry, J.A., R.B. Khattri, J. Guingab-Cagmat, M.E. Merritt, T.J. Garrett, J.T. Peterson, and K.E. Lohr. 2021. Intraspecific variation in polar and nonpolar metabolite profiles of a threatened Caribbean coral. Metabolomics 17(7):1-12.
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Vilizzi, L., J.E. Hill, A.L. Durland Donahou, T.J. Lyons, Q.M. Tuckett, and 195 other authors. 2021. A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions. Science of the Total Environment 788:147868. 
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Schofield, P.J., Q.M. Tuckett, D.H. Slone, K.M. Reaver, and J.E. Hill. 2021. Invasion frustration: can biotic resistance explain the small geographic range of non-native Croaking Gourami Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier, 1831) in Florida, USA? Aquatic Invasions 16(3):512-526. 
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Lawson, K.M. and J.E. Hill. 2021. Predicting successful reproduction and establishment of non-native freshwater fish in peninsular Florida using life history traits. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70(4):21041.1-17. 
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Tuckett, Q.M., A.E. Deacon, D. Fraser, T.J. Lyons, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2021. Unstable intraguild predation causes establishment failure of a globally invasive species. Ecology 102(8):e03411. 
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Rhody, N.R., N.I. Stacy, J.A. Hernandez, G. Patrick, M.J. Resley, and R.P. Yanong. 2021. Blood analyte changes of wild-caught adult Almaco Jack in response to acclimation to recirculating aquaculture systems and hyposalinity treatment. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 33(2):77-83.
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Breton, T.S., W.G.B. Sampson, B. Clifford, A.M. Phaneuf, I. Smidt, T. True, A.R. Wilcox, T. Lipscomb, C. Murray, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2021. Characterization of the G protein-coupled receptor family SREB across fish evolution. Scientific Reports 11(1):1-17.
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Pilnick, A.R., K.L. O'Neil, M. Moe, and J.T. Patterson. 2021. A novel system for intensive Diadema antillarum propagation as a step towards population enhancement. Scientific Reports 11(1):1-13. 
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O'Neil, K.L., R.M. Serafin, J.T. Patterson, and J.R.K. Craggs. 2021. Repeated ex situ spawning in two highly disease susceptible corals in the family Meandrinidae. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:669976.
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Slagel, S., K. Lohr, K. O'Neil, and J. Patterson. 2021. Growth, calcification and photobiology of the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis in natural versus artificial light. Zoo Biology 40(3):201-207. 
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Tuckett, Q.M., K.N. Ressel, J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2021. Domestication and feralization influence the distribution and phenotypes of escaped ornamental fish. Biological Invasions 23(4):1033.1047. 
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Wright, S.E., N.I. Stacy, R.P. Yanong, R.N. Juhl, and G.A. Lewbart. 2021. Hematology and biochemistry panel reference intervals for captive Saddleback Clownfish Amphiprion polymnus and Tomato Clownfish A. frenatus. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 33(1):3-16.
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Cassle, S.E., R.P.E. Yanong, D.B. Pouder, C. Rodriguez, N. Mylniczenko, P.M. Thompson, N.K. Stilwell, K.J. Heym, T. Harmon, and N.I. Stacy. 2021. Reference intervals for blood analytes of adult aquarium-housed Russian Sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 33(1):33-43. 
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Goodman, C.M., G.F.M. Jongsma, J.E. Hill, E.L. Stanley, Q.M. Tuckett, D.C. Blackburn, and C.M. Romagosa. 2021. A case of mistaken identity: genetic and anatomical evidence reveals the cryptic invasion of Xenopus tropicalis in central Florida. Journal of Herpetology 55(1):62-69. 
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Weisbrod, T.C., A.B. Jean, A. Childress, D.B. Pouder, J. Castellanos-Gell, N.I. Stacy, H.D.S. Walden, M.M. Garner, R.P.E. Yanong, and R.J. Ossiboff. 2021. Gastrointestinal entamoebiasis in captive anurans in North America. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 143:109-118. 
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Lovy, J., R.P.E. Yanong, J.M. Stilwell, T.B. Waltzek, J.P. Shelley, D.B. Pouder, J.C. Wolf and A.C. Camus. 2021. Tetra disseminated microsporidiosis: a novel disease in ornamental fish caused by Fusasporis stethaproini n. gen. n. sp. Parasitology Research 120:497-514. 
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Groover, E.M., M.M. Alo, S.W. Ramee, T.N. Lipscomb, J-M.L.A. Degidio, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2021. Development of early larviculture protocols for the Melanurus Wrasse Halichoeres melanurus. Aquaculture 530:735682.
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Breton, T.S., W.G. Sampson, B. Clifford, A.M. Phaneuf, I. Smidt, T. True, A.R. Wilcox, T. LipscombC. Murray, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2021. Characterization of the G protein-coupled receptor family SREB across fish evolution. Scientific Reports, 11(1):1-17. 
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Hill, J.E., G.H. Copp, S. Hardin, K.M. Lawson, L.L.Lawson Jr. , Q.M. Tuckett, L. Vilizzi, and C.A. Watson. 2020. Comparing apples to oranges and other misrepresentations of the risk screening tools FISK and AS-ISK – a rebuttal of Marcot et al. (2019). Management of Biological Invasions 11(2):325-341.
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Lipscomb, T.N., J.T. Patterson, A.L. Wood, C.A. Watson, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2020. Larval growth, survival, and partial budget analysis related to replacing Artemia in larval culture of six freshwater ornamental fishes. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 51(5):1132-1144.
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Lipscomb, T.N., R.P. Yanong, S.W. Ramee, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2020. Histological, histochemical and biochemical characterization of larval digestive system ontogeny in Black Tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi to inform aquaculture weaning protocols. Aquaculture 520:734957.
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Lipscomb, T., A. Wood, Q. Tuckett, J. Patterson, S. RameeC. Watson, and M. DiMaggio. 2020.  Culture protocols for the Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish Elassoma gilberti. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 51(3):679-689.
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Bressman, N.R., J.E. Hill, and M.A. Ashley-Ross. 2020. Why did the invasive Walking Catfish cross the road? Terrestrial chemoreception described for the first time in a fish. Journal of Fish Biology 97(3):895-907. 
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Lyons, T.J., Q.M. Tuckett, A. Durland-Donahou, and J.E. Hill. 2020. Risk screen of Lionfishes, Pterois, Dendrochirus, and Parapterois, for southeastern United States coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. Biological Invasions 22:1573-1583.
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Pomaranski E.K., M.J. Griffin, A.C. Camus, A.R. Armwood, J. Shelley, G.C. Waldbieser, B.R. Lafrentz, J.C. Garcia, R. Yanong, and E. Soto. 2020. Description of Erysipelothrix piscisicarius sp. nov., an emergent fish pathogen, and assessment of virulence using a Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) infection model. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70(2):857-867.
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Ramee, S.W., T.N. Lipscomb, A.L. Wood, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2020. The effect of dietary 17α‐methyltestosterone administration on secondary sex coloration in adult female Rosy Barbs and Dwarf Gouramis. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 51(5):1119-1131.
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Schulz, K., P.W. Stevens, J.E. Hill, A.A. Trotter, J.L. Ritch, Q.M. Tuckett, and J.T. Patterson. 2020. Coastal restoration evaluated using dominant habitat characteristics and associated fish communities. PLOS ONE 15(10):e0240623. 
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Ramee, S.W., T.N. Lipscomb, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2020. Evaluation of the effect of larval stocking density, salinity, and temperature on stress response and sex differentiation in the Dwarf Gourami and Rosy Barb. Aquaculture Reports 16:100287.
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Scherbatskoy E.C., K. Subramaniam, L. Al-Hussinee, K. Imnoi, P.M. Thompson, V.L. Popov, T.F.F. Ng, K. Kelley, R. Alvarado, J.C. Wolf, D.B. Pouder, R.P.E. Yanong, and T.B. Waltzek. 2020. Characterization of a novel picornavirus isolated from moribund aquacultured Clownfish. Journal of General Virology 101(7):735-745.
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Lohr, K.E., K. Ripple, and J.T. Patterson. 2020. Differential disturbance effects and phenotypic plasticity among outplanted corals at patch and fore reef sites. Journal for Nature Conservation 55:125827. 
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Schluz, K., P.W. Stevens, J.E. Hill, A.A. Trotter, J.L. Ritch, K.L. Williams, J.T. Patterson, and Q.M. Tuckett. 2020. Coastal wetland restoration improves habitat for juvenile sportfish in Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S.A. Restoration Ecology 28(5):1283-1295.
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Barrientos, C.A., D.J. Murie, and J E. Hill. 2019. Age, growth, and mortality rates of the Giant Cichlid in Guatemala. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:176-190.
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Henry, J.A., K.L. O'Neil, and J.T. Patterson. 2019. Native herbivores improve sexual propagation of threatened Staghorn Coral Acropora cervicornis. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:713. 
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Chan, F.T., S.J. Beatty, A.S. Giles, Jr, J.E. Hill, S. Kozic, D. Luo, D.L. Morgan, R.T.B. Pavia, Jr, T.W. Therriault, H. Verreycken, L. Vilizzi, H. Wei, D.C.J. Yeo, Y. Zeng, G. Zieba, and G.H. Copp. 2019. Leaving the fish bowl: the ornamental trade as a global vector for freshwater fish invasions. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 22(4):417-439.
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Patterson, J.T., M.A. DiMaggio, C.C. Green, and C.A. Watson. 2019. Volitional spawning of captive-reared age-4 Alligator Gars. North American Journal of Aquaculture 81(4):291-295. 
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Lyons, T.J., Q.M. Tuckett, and J.E. Hill. 2019. Characterizing the US trade in Lionfishes. PLOS ONE 14(8):e0221272. 
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Lyons, T.J., Q.M. Tuckett, and J.E. Hill. 2019. Data quality and quantity for invasive species: a case study of the Lionfishes. Fish and Fisheries 20:748-759.
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Patrick, G., A.M. Tarnecki, N. Rhody, R. Schloesser, K. Main, R. Yanong, and R. Francis-Floyd. 2019. Disinfection of Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliana Valenciennes) eggs: Evaluation of three chemicals. Aquaculture Research 00:1-9.
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Schaberg, S.J., J.T. Patterson, J.E. Hill, K.V. Guindon, and Q.M. Tuckett. 2019. Fish community composition and diversity at restored estuarine habitats in Tampa Bay, Florida, United States. Restoration Ecology 27:54-62.
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Sipos, M., T. Lipscomb, A. Wood, S. Ramee, M. DiMaggio, and C. Watson. 2019. Evaluation of cGnRH IIa for induction spawning of two ornamental Synodontis species. Aquaculture 511:734226.
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Patterson, J.T. 2019. The growing role of aquaculture in ecosystem restoration. Restoration Ecology 27(5):938-941.
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Sipos, M., T. Lipscomb, A. Wood, S. Ramee, M. DiMaggio, and C. Watson. 2019. Evaluation of three embryo disinfectants on hatching success in four freshwater ornamental fish species. North American Journal of Aquaculture 82(1):63-70.
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Vilizzi, L., G.H. Copp, B. Adamovich, D. Almeida, J. Chan, P.I. Davison, S. Dembski, F.G. Ekmekçi, A. Ferincz, S.C. Forneck, J.E. Hill, J. Kim, N. Koutsikos, R.S.E.W. Leuven, S.A. Luna, F. Magalhães, S.M. Marr, R. Mendoza, C.F. Mourão, J.W. Neal, N. Onikura, C. Perdikaris, M. Piria, N. Poulet, R. Puntila, I.L. Range, P. Simonović, F. Ribeiro, A.S. Tarkan, D.F.A. Troca, L. Vardakas, H. Verreycken, L. Vintsek, O.L.F. Weyl, D.C.J. Yeo, and Y. Zeng. 2019. A global review and meta-analysis of applications of the freshwater Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 29:529-568.
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Vorbach B.S., H. Chandasana, H. Derendorf, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2019. Pharmacokinetics of oxytetracycline in the Giant Danio (Devario aequipinnatus) following bath immersion. Aquaculture 498:12-16.
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Suggett, D.J., E.F. Camp, J. Edmondson, L. Bostrom-Einarsson, V. Ramler, K. Lohr, and J.T. Patterson. 2019. Optimizing return-on-effort for coral nursery and outplanting practices to aid restoration of the Great Barrier Reef. Restoration Ecology 27(3):683-693. 
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Warren, M.B., H.R. Dutton, N.V. Whelan, R.P.E. Yanong, and S.A. Bullard. 2019. First record of a species of Mermithidae Braun, 1883 infecting a decapod, Palaemon paludosus (Palaemonidae). Journal of Parasitology 105(2):237-247.
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Lohr, K.E., R.B.  Khattri, J. Guingab-Cagmat, E.F. Camp, M.E. Merritt, T.J. Garrett, and J.T. Patterson. 2019. Metabolomic profiles differ among unique genotypes of a threatened Caribbean coral. Scientific reports 9(1):1-11. 
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Lohr, K.E., E.F. Camp, U. Kuzhiumparambil, A. Lutz, W. Leggat, J.T. Patterson, and D.J. Suggett. 2019. Resolving coral photoacclimation dynamics through coupled photophysiological and metabolomic profiling. Journal of Experimental Biology 222(8):195982. 
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LaDouceur, E.E.B., A.N. Cartoceti, J. St. Leger, K. Holder, R.P. Yanong, and R. Kim. 2019. Endocardiosis in Tetras (Family Characiformes). Journal of Comparative Pathology 171:19-23.
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Koda S.A., K. Subramaniam, D.B. Pouder, R.P. Yanong, and T.B. Waltzek. 2019. Phylogenomic characterization of Red Seabream iridovirus from Florida Pompano Trachinotus carolinus maricultured in the Caribbean Sea. Archives of Virology 164(4):1209-1212.
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O'Donnell, K.E., K.E. Lohr, E. Bartels, I.B. Baums, and J.T. Patterson. 2018. Acropora cervicornis genet performance and symbiont identity throughout the restoration process. Coral Reefs 37(4):1109-1118. 
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Hill, J.E., and Q.M. Tuckett. 2018. Abiotic and biotic contributions to invasion resistance for ornamental fish in west-central Florida, USA. Hydrobiologia 817:363-377.
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Hill, J.E., Q.M. Tuckett, and C.A. Watson. 2018. Court ruling creates opportunity to improve management of non-native fish and wildlife in the United States. Fisheries 43:225-230.
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Lipscomb, T.N., A.L. Wood, M.A. DiMaggio, Q.M. Tuckett, L.L. Lawson, and C.A. Watson. 2018. Evaluation of spawning aids and administration routes on ovulation success in an ornamental cyprinid. Aquaculture Research 49:3926-3929.
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Tuckett, Q.M., and P. Koetsier. 2018. Post-fire debris flows delay recovery and create novel headwater stream macroinvertebrate communities. Hydrobiologia 814(1):161-174. 
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Broach, J.S., E.J. Cassiano, and C.A. Watson.  2017.  Baseline culture parameters for the cyclopoid copepod Oithona colcarva; a potential new live feed for marine fish larviculture.  Aquaculture Research 48(8):4461-4469.
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Degidio, J-M.L.A., R.P.E. Yanong, C.L. Ohs, C.A. WatsonE.J. Cassiano, and K.P. Barden. 2017. First feeding parameters of the Milletseed Butterflyfish Chaetodon miliaris. Aquaculture Research 49:1087-1094.
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Degidio, J-M.L.A., R.P.E. Yanong, C.A. Watson, C.L. Ohs, E.J. Cassiano, and K.P. Barden.  2017.  Spawning, embryology, and larval development of the Milletseed Butterflyfish, Chaetodon miliaris, in the laboratory.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 79(3):205-215.
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DiMaggio, M.A.E.J. CassianoK.P. BardenS.W. Ramee, C.L. Ohs, and C.A. Watson. 2017. First record of captive larval culture and metamorphosis of the Pacific Blue Tang, Paracanthurus hepatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 48:393-401.
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Hauville, M.R., E.J. Cassiano, K.P. Barden, M.L. Wittenrich, and C.A. Watson. 2017. Larval development, growth, and impact of first feed on the aquaculture of French Grunt, Haemulon flavolineatum. Aquaculture Research 48(10):5439-5442.
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Hill, J.E. Museum specimens answer question of historic occurrence of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Florida (USA). 2017. BioInvasions Records 6:383-391.
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Hill, J.E., K.M. Lawson, and Q.M. Tuckett. 2017. First record of a reproducing population of the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802) in Florida (USA). BioInvasions Records 6(1):87-95.
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Hill, J.E.Q.M. Tuckett, S. Hardin, L.L. Lawson Jr.K.M. Lawson, J.L. Ritch, and L. Partridge. 2017. Risk screen of freshwater tropical ornamental fishes for the conterminous United States. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146(5):927-938.
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Lawson, K.M., Q.M. Tuckett, J.L. Ritch, L. Nico, P. Fuller, E. Matheson, and J.E. Hill. 2017. Distribution and status update for select non-native fishes in the Tampa Bay area, a hot spot for non-native fishes. BioInvasions Records 6(4):393-406. 
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Lyons, T.J.Q.M. Tuckett, and J.E. Hill. 2017. Lower lethal temperatures for two commonly traded species of Lionfish: implications for establishment beyond Pterois volitans and P. miles. Copeia 105(4):630-633.
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Tuckett, Q.M.J.L. RitchK.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2017. Landscape-scale survey of non-native fishes near ornamental aquaculture facilities in Florida, USA. Biological Invasions 19(1):223-237.
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Tuckett, Q.M., K.S. Simon, and M.T. Kinnison. 2017. Cultural eutrophication mediates context-dependent eco-evolutionary effects of a fish invader. Copeia 105(3):483-493.
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O'Donnell, K.E., K.E. Lohr, E.Bartels, and J.T. Patterson. 2017. Evaluation of Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis, Lamarck, 1816) production techniques in an ocean-based nursery with consideration of coral genotype. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 487:53-56. 
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Lohr, K.E., A.A. Cook McNab, C. Manfrino, and J.T. Patterson. 2017. Assessment of wild and restored Staghorn Coral Acropora cervicornis across three reef zones in the Cayman Islands. Regional Studies in Marine Science 9:1-8. 
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Lohr, K.E., and J.T. Patterson. 2017. Intraspecific variation in phenotype among nursery-reared Staghorn Coral Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 486:87-92. 
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Patterson, J.T., C. Ohs, P.O'Malley, A. Palau, L. D'Abramo, R. Reigh, and C. Green. 2016. Feeding larval Gulf Killifish: total replacement of Artemia nauplii and co-feeding from hatch. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78(4):396-404. 
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Patterson, J.T., M. Flint, J. Than, and C.A. Watson. 2016. Evaluation of substrate properties for settlement of Caribbean Staghorn Coral Acropora cervicornis in a land-based system. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78(4):337-345. 
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Gordon, D.R., S.L. Flory, D. Lieurance, P.E. Hulme, C. Buddenhagen, B. Caton, P.D. Champion, T.M. Culley, C. Daehler, F. Essl, J.E. Hill, R.P. Keller, L. Kohl, A.L. Koop, S. Kumschick, D.M. Lodge, R.N. Mack, L.A. Meyerson, G.R. Pallipparambil, F.D. Panetta, R. Porter, P. Pysek, L.D. Quinn, D.M. Richardson, D. Simberloff, and M. Vila. 2016. Weed risk assessments are an effective component of invasion risk management. Invasive Plant Science and Management 9:81-83.
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Griffin, M.J., S.R. Reichley, T.E. Greenway, S.M. Quiniou, C. Ware, D.X. Gao, R.P.E. YanongD.B. Pouder, J.P. Hawke, and E. Soto. 2016. Comparison of Edwardsiella ictaluri isolates from different hosts and geographic origins. Journal of Fish Diseases 39:947–969.
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Hill, J.E. 2016. Collapse of a reproducing population of non-native African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) in a Florida lake. Neobiota 29:35-52.
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Tuckett, Q.M., J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2016. Implementation and enforcement of Best Management Practices for Florida ornamental aquaculture with an emphasis on non-native species. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78:113-124.
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Tuckett, Q.M., J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, L.L. Lawson, Jr., and J.E. Hill. 2016. Variation in cold tolerance in escaped and farmed non-native Green Swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii) revealed by laboratory trials and field introductions. Biological Invasions 18:45-56.
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Bourtis, C.M., R. Francis-Floyd, A. S. P. Boggs, E. A. Reyier, E. D. Stolen, R. P. Yanong, and L. J. Guillette, Jr. 2015. Plasma glucose levels for red drum Sciaenops ocellatus in a Florida estuarine fisheries reserve. Florida Scientist 78(2):88-93.
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Cassiano, E.J.M.L. Wittenrich, T.B. Waltzek, N.K. Steckler, K.P. Barden, and C.A. Watson.  2015.  Utilizing public aquariums and molecular identification techniques to address the larviculture potential of Pacific Blue Tangs (Paracanthurus hepatus), Semicircle Angelfish (Pomacanthus semicirculatis), and Bannerfish (Heniochus sp.).  Aquaculture International 23(1):253-265.
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Fogelson, S.B., R.P.E. Yanong, A. Kane, C.N. Teal, I.K. Berzins, S.A. Smith, C. Brown, and A. Camus. 2015. Gross, histological and ultrastructural morphology of the aglomerular kidney in the Lined Seahorse Hippocampus erectus. Journal of Fish Biology 87:805-813.
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Gardner, P.G., T.K. Frazer, C.A. Jacoby, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2015. Reproductive biology of invasive Lionfish (Pterois spp.). Frontiers in Marine Science 2:7.
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Hill, J.E., and J. Sowards. 2015. Successful eradication of the non-native loricariid catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus from the Rainbow River, Florida. Management of Biological Invasions 6:311-317.
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Hill, J.E., and K.M. Lawson. 2015. Risk screening of Arapaima, a new species proposed for aquaculture in Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:885-894.
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Lawson, L.L., Jr., J.E. Hill, S. Hardin. L. Vilizzi, and G.H. Copp. 2015. Evaluation of the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK v2) for peninsular Florida. Management of Biological Invasions 6:413-422.
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Lawson, L.L. Jr., Q.M. Tuckett, K.M. Lawson, C.A. Watson, and J.E. Hill. 2015. Lower lethal temperature for Arapaima Arapaima gigas: potential implications for culture and establishment in Florida. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:497-502.
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Bourtis, C.M., R. Francis-Floyd, E. A. Reyier, R.P. Yanong, and L.J. Guillette Jr. 2014. Development of a nonlethal health assessment for wild Red Drum using a health index. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 26(2):91-95.
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Hill, J.E., L.L. Lawson Jr., and S. Hardin. 2014. Assessment of risks of transgenic ornamental fishes to the United States using the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:817-829.
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Moyer, G.R., E. Diaz-Ferguson, J.E. Hill, and C. Shea. 2014. Assessing environmental DNA detection in controlled lentic systems. PLOS ONE.
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Soto, E., A.E. Primus, D.B. Pouder, R.H. George, J. Trevor, S.E. Cassle, T. Johnson, S. Boyd, T. Handsel, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2014. Identification of Francisella noatunensis in novel host species French Grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum) and Caesar Grunt (Haemulon carbonarium). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45(3):727-731.
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Steckler N.K., R.P.E. Yanong, D.B. Pouder, A. Nyaoke, D.A. Sutton, J.R. Lindner, B.L. Wickes, S. Frasca, J.C. Wolf, and T.B. Waltzek. 2014. New disease records for hatchery-reared Sturgeon. II. Phaeohyphomycosis due to Veronaea botryosa. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 111(3):229-238.
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Lawson, L.L. Jr, J.E. Hill, L. Vilizzi, S. Hardin, and G.H. Copp. 2013. Revisions of the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK) for its application in warmer climatic zones, with particular reference to peninsular Florida. Risk Analysis 33:1414-1431.
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Ohs, C.L., M.A. DiMaggio, S.W. Grabe, J.S. Broach, C.A. Watson, N.E. Breen, and F.T. Barrows. 2013. Effects of increasing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) in brood diets of Monodactylus sebae on fecundity, egg and larval quality, and egg fatty acid composition. North American Journal of Aquaculture 75:285-294.
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Trushenski, J.T., J.D. Bowker, S.J. Cooke, D. Erdahl, T. Bell, J.R. MacMillan, R.P. Yanong, J.E. Hill, M.C. Fabrizio, J.E. Garvey, and S. Sharon. 2013. Issues regarding the use of sedatives in fisheries and the need for immediate-release options. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:156-170.
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Crosby, T.C., J.E. Hill, K.H. Hartman, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2012. Effects of metomidate hydrochloride sedation on blood glucose and marketability of transported Threespot Gouramies Trichogaster trichopterus. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 24:73-80.
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Hardin, S., and J.E. Hill. 2012. Risk analysis of Barramundi aquaculture in Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:577-585.
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Soto, E., O. Illanes, D. Hiltchie, J.A. Morales, P. Sunyakumthorn, J.P. Hawke, A. Goodwin, A. Riggs, R. Yanong, D. Pouder, R. Francis-Floyd, M. Arauz, L. Bodganovic, and F. Castillo. 2012. Molecular and immunohistochemical diagnosis of Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (syn. F. asiatica) from formalin-fixed parafilm embedded tissues. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 24:840-845.
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Thompson, K.A., J.E. Hill, and L.G. Nico. 2012. Eastern Mosquitofish resists invasion by nonindigenous poeciliids through agonistic behaviors. Biological Invasions 14:1515-1529.
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Abd-Elrahman, A., M. Croxton, R. Pande-Chettri, G.S. Toor, S. Smith, and J. Hill. 2011. In-situ estimation of water quality parameters in freshwater aquaculture ponds using hyperspectral imaging sensor. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66:463-472.
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Hanson, S.K.J.E. HillC.A. Watson, R.P.E. Yanong, and R. Endris. 2011. Evaluation of emamectin benzoate for the control of experimentally induced infestations of Argulus sp. in Goldfish and Koi Carp. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 23:30-34.
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Hill, J.E., A.R. Kapuscinski, and T. Pavlowich. 2011. Fluorescent transgenic Zebra Danio more vulnerable to predators than wild-type. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1001-1005.
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Crosby, T.C., B.D. Petty, H.J. Hamlin, L.J. Guillette, Jr., J.E. HillK.H. Hartman, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2010. Plasma cortisol, blood glucose, and marketability of Koi transported with metomidate hydrochloride. North American Journal of Aquaculture 72:141-149.
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Langston, J.N., P.J. Schofield, J.E. Hill, and W.F. Loftus. 2010. Salinity tolerance of the African Jewelfish Hemichromis letourneuxi, a non-native cichlid in South Florida. Copeia 2010:475-480.
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Yanong, R.P.E., D.B. Pouder, and J.O. Falkinham III. 2010. Association of mycobacteria in recirculating aquaculture systems and mycobacterial disease in fish. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 22:219–223.
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Hill, J.E.K.H. Kilgore, D.B. Pouder, J.F.F. Powell, C.A. Watson, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2009. Survey of Ovaprim™ use as a spawning aid in ornamental fishes in the United States as administered through the University of Florida Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory (2005-2007). North American Journal of Aquaculture 71:206-209.
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Kilgore, K.H., J.E. Hill, J.F.F.Powell, C.A. Watson, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2009. Investigational use of metomidate hydrochloride as a shipping additive in two ornamental fishes. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 21:133-139.
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Watson, C.A., J.E. HillJ.S. Graves, A.L. Wood, and K.H. Kilgore. 2009. Use of a novel induced spawning technique for the first reported captive spawning of Tetraodon nigroviridis. Marine Genomics 2:143-146.
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Lazur, A.M., D.B. Pouder, and J.E. Hill. 2008. Preliminary evaluation of Sturgeon production in and sustainability of a zero-discharge pond water recirculating tank system. North American Journal of Aquaculture 70:281-285. 
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Hill, J.E., and C.A. Watson. 2007. Diet of the nonindigenous Asian Swamp Eel in tropical ornamental aquaculture ponds in west central Florida. North American Journal of Aquaculture 69:139-146.
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Hill, J.E., and P. Zajicek. 2007. National aquatic species risk analysis: a call for improved implementation. Fisheries 32:530-538.
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Crosby, T.C., J.E. HillC.A. Watson, R.P.E. Yanong, and R. Strange. 2006. Effects of tricaine methansulfonate, Hypno, Aquacalm, quinaldine, and salt on plasma cortisol levels following acute stress in Three Spot Gourami Trichogaster trichopterus. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 18:58-63.
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Thompson, T.M., Jr., C.E. Cichra, W.J. Lindberg, J.A. Hale, and J.E. Hill. 2006. Movement and habitat selection of Largemouth Bass in a Florida steep-sided quarry lake. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:227-240.
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Watson, C.A., and J.E. Hill. 2006. Design criteria for recirculating, marine ornamental production systems. Aquacultural Engineering 34:157-162.
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Yanong, R.P.E.J.E. HillC.J. Daniels, and C.A. Watson. 2006. Efficacy of 17-α-methyltestosterone for expression of male secondary sexual characteristics in the Green Swordtail. North American Journal of Aquaculture 68:224-229.
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