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Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

Dr. Jeff Hill


Dr. Jeff Hill joined the FAS faculty in January 2006.  He is located at the UF/IFAS Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory (TAL) in Ruskin (near Tampa) and maintains close associations with departmental and other UF programs in Gainesville.  He has been involved in research and extension activities in tropical ornamental aquaculture and in non-native aquatic species as a post-doctoral associate at the TAL since 2003.  His graduate work investigated the ecology of native and non-native predatory fishes in Florida.  Prior to graduate school, he cultured African cichlids on his tropical ornamental fish farm in south Florida.

Dr. Hill employs a combination of field sampling and experimental studies, coupled with ecological theory, to provide science-based information on non-native aquatic species to natural resource agencies, industry, and other stakeholders.  He is interested in the use of non-native species in aquaculture and in other human activities.

Recent research projects in non-native aquatic species include feeding ecology of native largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and introduced butterfly peacock bass Cichla ocellaris in southeast Florida canals and diet studies of the Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus, a potential pest species in ornamental aquaculture ponds in Florida.

Recent research in aquaculture includes topical and immersion application of hormones for induced spawning of ornamental fish, effectiveness studies of aquaculture chemicals and therapeutants for approval through the US Food and Drug Administration’s Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) approval process, and evaluation of various feeding and fertilizing regimes for pond production of tropical ornamental fishes.

Dr. Hill is a member of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Transgenic Aquatic Species Task Force, a scientific advisory committee evaluating applications for culturing transgenic species in Florida aquaculture.  He is a member of the Monitoring and Detection Committee and the Research Committee of the federal Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force and a member of Florida’s Risk Assessment Sub-Working Group.

Jeff Hill with a plecostomus

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UF/IFAS Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory
1408 24th Street SE
Ruskin, FL  33570 
813-671-5230 x118

Google Scholar Profile

  • Education

    Ph.D., Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2003, University of Florida

    M.S., Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1998, University of Florida

    B.S., Biology (minor in Geography), 1991, University of North Alabama

  • Courses Taught

    FAS 4932/6932, VEM 5912 - Aquaculture I (previously Introduction to Aquaculture)
    This course provides an overview of the field of aquaculture, including water quality, production systems, nutrition, spawning, and the common fish and invertebrate groups cultured in the United States. The course is entirely web-based, with narrated PowerPoint lectures followed by readings and other resources for each learning topic.

    FAS 4932/5932 - Invasion Ecology of Aquatic Animals
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of the field of invasion ecology and will emphasize aspects related to aquatic animals. Through lectures, readings, discussions, and invited expert speakers, students are be presented the ecological concepts and debates underlying this developing field; the biology and life history of nonnative aquatic animals, including characteristics of successful invaders (emphasis on Florida); risk analysis methodology; and the conservation and regulatory implications of nonnative aquatic species.

  • Current Students

    Brittany Scharf - Ph.D. student

    Katie Everett - M.S. student

    Elizabeth Walsh - M.S. student

    Matt Bunting - M.S. student

    Kelly Chase - M.S. student

    Brady Donovan - M.F.A.S. student

    Trishia Green - M.F.A.S. student

  • Former Students

    Crystal Hartman - M.S. (2021) 

    Preeyanan Sriwanayos - Ph.D. (2020)

    Allison Durland-Donohou - Ph.D. (2020)

    Lauren Lapham - M.S. (2019)

    Katelyn Lawson - Ph.D. (2018)

    Tim Lyons - M.S. (2018)

  • Research Publications (2016 - present)

    For the most recent publications, please visit Jeff's Google Scholar Profile

    L. Vilizzi, J.E. Hill, M. Piria, and G.H. Copp. 2022. A protocol for screening potentially invasive non-native species using Weed Risk Assessment-type decision-support tools. Science of the Total Environment 832:154966.
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    Vilizzi, L., and 194 authors. 2021. A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future conditions. Science of the Total Environment 788:147868. 
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    Tuckett, Q.M., A.E. Deacon, D. Fraser, T.J. Lyons, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2021. Unstable intraguild predation causes establishment failure of a globally invasive species. Ecology 102(8):e03411.
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    Tuckett, Q.M., K.N. Ressel, J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2021. Domestication and feralization influence the distribution and phenotypes of escaped ornamental fish. Biological Invasions 23(4):1033-1047. 
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    Goodman, C.M., G.F.M. Jongsma, J.E. Hill, E.M. Stanley, Q.M. Tuckett, D.C. Blackburn, and C.M. Romagosa. 2021. A case of mistaken identity: genetic and anatomical evidence reveals the cryptic invasion of Xenopus tropicalis in central Florida. Journal of Herpetology 55(1):62-69. 
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    Schulz, K., P.W. Stevens, J.E. Hill, A.A. Trotter, J.L. Ritch, Q.M. Tuckett, and J.T. Patterson. 2020. Coastal restoration evaluated using domestic habitat characteristics and associated fish communities. PLOS ONE 15(10):e0240623. 
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    Hill, J.E., G.H. Copp, S. Hardin, K.M. Lawson, L.L.Lawson Jr., Q.M. Tuckett, L. Vilizzi, and C.A. Watson. 2020. Comparing apples to oranges and other misrepresentations of the risk screening tools FISK and AS-ISK – a rebuttal of Marcot et al. (2019). Management of Biological Invasions 11(2):325-341.
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    Schluz, K., P.W. Stevens, J.E. Hill, A.A. Trotter, J.L. Ritch, K.L. Williams, J.T. Patterson, and Q.M. Tuckett2020Coastal wetland restoration improves habitat for juvenile sportfish in Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S.A. Restoration Ecology 28(5)L:1283-1295.
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    Barrientos, C.A., D.J. Murie, and J E. Hill. 2019. Age, growth, and mortality rates of the Giant Cichlid in Guatemala. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:176-190.
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    Lyons, T.J., Q.M. Tuckett, and J.E. Hill. 2019. Data quality and quantity for invasive species: a case study of the lionfishes. Fish and Fisheries 20:748-759.
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    Lyons, T.J., Q.M. Tuckett, and J.E. Hill. 2019. Characterizing the US trade in lionfishes. PLOS ONE 14(8):e0221272. 
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    Schaberg, S.J., J.T. Patterson, J.E. Hill, K.V. Guindon, and Q.M. Tuckett. 2019. Fish community composition and diversity at restored estuarine habitats in Tampa Bay, Florida, United States. Restoration Ecology 27:54-62.
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    Vilizzi, L., G.H. Copp, B. Adamovich, D. Almeida, J. Chan, P.I. Davison, S. Dembski, F.G. Ekmekçi, A. Ferincz, S.C. Forneck, J.E. Hill, J. Kim, N. Koutsikos, R.S.E.W. Leuven, S.A. Luna, F. Magalhães, S.M. Marr, R. Mendoza, C.F. Mourão, J.W. Neal, N. Onikura, C. Perdikaris, M. Piria, N. Poulet, R. Puntila, I.L. Range, P. Simonović, F. Ribeiro, A.S. Tarkan, D.F.A. Troca, L. Vardakas, H. Verreycken, L. Vintsek, O.L.F. Weyl, D.C.J. Yeo, and Y. Zeng. 2019. A global review and meta-analysis of applications of the freshwater Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 29:529-568.
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    Hill, J.E., and Q.M. Tuckett. 2018. Abiotic and biotic contributions to invasion resistance for ornamental fish in west-central Florida, USA. Hydrobiologia 817:363-377.
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    Hill, J.E., Q.M. Tuckett, and C.A. Watson. 2018. Court ruling creates opportunity to improve management of non-native fish and wildlife in the United States. Fisheries 43:225-230.
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    Hill, J.E. 2017. Museum specimens answer question of historic occurrence of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Florida (USA). BioInvasions Records 6:383-391.
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    Hill, J.E., Q.M. Tuckett, S. Hardin, L.L. Lawson Jr., K.M. Lawson, J.L. Ritch, and L. Partridge. 2017. Risk screen of freshwater tropical ornamental fishes for the conterminous United States. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146(5):927-938.
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    Hill, J.E., K.M. Lawson, and Q.M. Tuckett. 2017. First record of a reproducing population of the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802) in Florida (USA). BioInvasions Records 6(1):87-95.
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    Lawson, K.M., Q.M. Tuckett, J.L. Ritch, L. Nico, P. Fuller, E. Matheson, and J.E. Hill. 2017. Distribution and status update for select non-native fishes in the Tampa Bay area, a hot spot for non-native fishes. BioInvasions Records 6(4):393-406.
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    Lyons, T.J., Q.M. Tuckett, and J.E. Hill. 2017. Lower lethal temperatures for two commonly traded species of Lionfish: implications for establishment beyond Pterois volitans and P. miles. Copeia: 105(4):630-633.
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    Tuckett, Q.M., J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2017. Landscape-scale survey of non-native fishes near ornamental aquaculture facilities in Florida, USA. Biological Invasions 19(1):223-237.
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    Gordon, D.R., S.L. Flory, D. Lieurance, P.E. Hulme, C. Buddenhagen, B. Caton, P.D. Champion, T.M. Culley, C. Daehler, F. Essl, J.E. Hill, R.P. Keller, L. Kohl, A.L. Koop, S. Kumschick, D.M. Lodge, R.N. Mack, L.A. Meyerson, G.R. Pallipparambil, F.D. Panetta, R. Porter, P. Pysek, L.D. Quinn, D.M. Richardson, D. Simberloff, and M. Vila. 2016. Weed risk assessments are an effective component of invasion risk management. Invasive Plant Science and Management 9:81-83.

    Hill, J.E. 2016. Collapse of a reproducing population of non-native African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) in a Florida lake. Neobiota 29:35-52.
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    Tuckett, Q.M., J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2016. Implementation and enforcement of Best Management Practices for Florida ornamental aquaculture with an emphasis on non-native species. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78:113-124.
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    Tuckett, Q.M., J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, L.L. Lawson, Jr., and J.E. Hill. 2016. Variation in cold tolerance in escaped and farmed non-native Green Swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii) revealed by laboratory trials and field introductions. Biological Invasions 18:45-56.
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  • Research Publications (2004 - 2015)

    Hill, J.E., and K.M. Lawson. 2015. Risk screening of Arapaima, a new species proposed for aquaculture in Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:885-894.
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    Hill, J.E., and J. Sowards. 2015. Successful eradication of the non-native loricariid catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus from the Rainbow River, Florida. Management of Biological Invasions 6:311-317.
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    Lawson, L.L., Jr., J.E. Hill, S. Hardin. L. Vilizzi, and G.H. Copp. 2015. Evaluation of the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK v2) for peninsular Florida. Management of Biological Invasions 6:413-422.
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    Lawson, L.L., Jr., Q.M. Tuckett, K.M. Lawson, C.A. Watson, and J.E. Hill. 2015. Lower lethal temperature for Arapaima Arapaima gigas: potential implications for culture and establishment in Florida. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:497-502.
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    Hill, J.E., L.L. Lawson, Jr., and S. Hardin. 2014. Assessment of risks of transgenic ornamental fishes to the United States using the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:817-829.
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    Moyer, G.R., E. Diaz-Ferguson, J.E. Hill, and C. Shea. 2014. Assessing environmental DNA detection in controlled lentic systems. PLoSONE 9(7):e103767.
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    Lawson, L.L. Jr, J.E. Hill, L. Vilizzi, S. Hardin, and G.H. Copp. 2013. Revisions of the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK) for its application in warmer climatic zones, with particular reference to peninsular Florida. Risk Analysis 33:1414-1431.
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    Trushenski, J.T., J.D. Bowker, S.J. Cooke, D. Erdahl, T. Bell, J.R. MacMillan, R.P. Yanong, J.E. Hill, M.C. Fabrizio, J.E. Garvey, and S. Sharon. 2013. Issues regarding the use of sedatives in fisheries and the need for immediate-release options. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:156-170.
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    Hardin, S., and J.E. Hill. 2012. Risk analysis of Barramundi Perch Lates calcarifer aquaculture in Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:577-585.
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    Thompson, K.A., J.E. Hill, and L.G. Nico. 2012. Eastern Mosquitofish resists invasion by nonindigenous poeciliids through agonistic behaviors. Biological Invasions 14:1515-1529.
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    Hill, J.E., A.R. Kapuscinski, and T. Pavlowich. 2011. Fluorescent transgenic Zebra Danio more vulnerable to predators than wild-type. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1001-1005. 

    Langston, J.N., P.J. Schofield, J.E. Hill, and W.F. Loftus. 2010. Salinity tolerance of the African Jewelfish Hemichromis letourneuxi, a non-native cichlid in south Florida. Copeia 2010:475-480.

    Hill, J.E., and C.A. Watson. 2007. Diet of the nonindigenous Asian Swamp Eel in tropical ornamental aquaculture ponds in west central Florida. North American Journal of Aquaculture 69:139-146.

    Hill, J.E., and P. Zajicek. 2007. National aquatic species risk analysis: a call for improved implementation. Fisheries 32:530-538.

    Hill, J.E., L.G. Nico, C.E. Cichra, and C.R. Gilbert. 2005. Prey vulnerability to Peacock Cichlids and Largemouth Bass based on predator gape and prey body depth. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 58:47-56.

    Hill, J.E., and C.E. Cichra. 2005. Eradication of a reproducing population of Convict Cichlids, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum (Cichlidae), in north-central Florida. Florida Scientist 68:65-74.

    Hill, J.E., J.D. Baldwin, J.S. Graves, R. Leonard, J.F.F. Powell, and C.A. Watson. 2005. Preliminary observations of topical gill application of reproductive hormones for induced spawning of a tropical ornamental fish. North American Journal of Aquaculture 67:7-9.

    Hill, J.E. 2004. A record of a nonindigenous fish, the Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus: Ictaluridae), illegally introduced into the Suwannee River, Florida. Florida Scientist 67:254-257.

  • Extension Publications

    For the most recent publications, please visit Jeff's Google Scholar Profile.

    Hill, J.E., R.P.E. Yanong, and J.M. Campos Krauer. 2022. Peces ornamentales de agua dulce comunmente cultivados en Florida. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA237. 
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    Watson, C., M. DiMaggio, J. Hill, Q. Tuckett, and R. Yanong. 2019. Evolution, culture, and care for Betta splendens. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA212.
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    Cassiano, E.J., J. Hill, Q. Tuckett, and C. Watson. 2018. Eastern Mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, for control of mosquito larvae. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA202.
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    Hill, J.E., and Q.M. Tuckett. 2018. Preventing escape from aquaculture operations. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication #4312.

    Tuckett, Q.M., C.V. Martinez, J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2016. Preventing escape of non-native species from aquaculture facilities in Florida, part 1: general considerations and regulations. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA195.
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    Hill, J.E., Q.M. Tuckett, C.V. Martinez, J.L. Ritch, and K.M. Lawson. 2016. Preventing escape of non-native species from aquaculture facilities in Florida, part 2: facility evaluation strategies. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA196.
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    Tuckett, Q.M., C.V. Martinez, J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2016. Preventing escape of non-native species from aquaculture facilities in Florida, part 3: structural strategies. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA197.
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    Tuckett, Q.M., C.V. Martinez, J.L. Ritch, K.M. Lawson, and J.E. Hill. 2016. Preventing escape of non-native species from aquaculture facilities in Florida, part 4: operational strategies. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA198.
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    Weeks, E.N.I., and J.E. Hill. 2014. Featured creatures: the Asian Grass Carp. Pages 117-124 in J.L. Gillett-Kaufman, V. Lietze, and E.N.I. Weeks, editors. Hydrilla Integrated Management. University of Florida/IFAS Publication IPM207.
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    Weeks, E.N.I., and J.E. Hill. 2014. Grass Carp, the White Amur: Ctenopharyngodon idella Cuvier and Valenciennes (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae: Squaliobarbinae). University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication EENT593.
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    McGuire, M., and J.E. Hill. 2014. Invasive species of Florida’s Coastal Waters: The Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) and Devil Firefish (P. miles). Florida Sea Grant College Program and University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication SGEF208.
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    Hill, J.E. 2013. Regulations pertaining to non-native fish in Florida aquaculture. University of Florida/IFAS Extension Circular FA121.
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    Sutton, D.L., V.V. Vandiver, Jr., and J.E. Hill. 2012. Grass Carp: A fish for biological management of hydrilla and other aquatic weeds in Florida. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication BUL867.
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    Hill, J.E. 2011. Emerging issues regarding non-native species for aquaculture. USDA Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication #4305.
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    Cassiano, E.J., C.L. Ohs, and J.E. Hill. 2009. Candidate species for aquaculture: Pigfish Orthopristis chrysoptera. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA160.
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    Hill, J.E. 2009. Risk analysis for non-native species in aquaculture. USDA Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication #4304.
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    Zajicek, P.W., J.E. Hill, N. Stone, H. Thomforde, C. Ohs, D. Cooper, G. Flimlin, B. McLane, and W.D. Anderson. 2009. Preventing hitchhiking nonindigenous species in live shipments. USDA Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication #3902.
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    Hill, J.E. 2008. Non-native species in aquaculture: terminology, potential impacts, and the invasion process. USDA Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication #4303.
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    Smajstrla, A.G., M.E. Griggs, A.M. Lazur, J.E. Hill, and C.L. Ohs. 2008. Stormwater detention and discharge from aquaculture ponds in Florida. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA334.

    Crosby, T., J.E. Hill, R.P.E. Yanong, C.V. Martinez, D.B. Pouder, and C.A. Watson. 2007. Harvesting ornamental fish from ponds. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA117.
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    Crosby, T., J.E. Hill, R.P.E. Yanong, C.V. Martinez, D.B. Pouder, and C.A. Watson. 2007. Grading ornamental fish. University of Florida IFAS/EDIS Publication FA118.
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    Crosby, T., J.E. Hill, R.P.E. Yanong, C.V. Martinez, D.B. Pouder, and C.A. Watson. 2007. On-farm transport of ornamental fish. University of Florida IFAS/EDIS Publication FA119.
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    Crosby, T., J.E. Hill, R.P.E. Yanong, C.V. Martinez, D.B. Pouder, and C.A. Watson. 2007. Preparation of ornamental fish for shipping. University of Florida IFAS/EDIS Publication FA120.
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    Yanong, R.P.E., K.H. Hartman, C.A. Watson, J.E. Hill, B.D. Petty, and R. Francis-Floyd. 2007. Fish slaughter, killing, and euthanasia: a review of major published U.S. guidance documents and general considerations of methods. University of Florida IFAS/EDIS Circular 1525. 

    Watson, C.A., J.E. Hill, and D.B. Pouder. 2004. Species profile: Koi and Goldfish. USDA Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication #7201.
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    Hill, J.E. 2002. Exotic fishes in Florida. LakeLines, North American Lake Management Society 22(1):39-43.

    Hill, J.E., and R.P.E. Yanong. 2002. Ornamental fish commonly cultured in Florida. University of Florida IFAS Extension Circular 54.
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