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Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

Elizabeth (Liz) Groover


Degree Obtained: M.S. (2018)
Major Professor: Dr. Matt DiMaggio

Elizabeth (Liz) Groover graduated from Roger Williams University in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology and a minor in Aquaculture and Aquarium Science. After graduation, Liz worked as a lab technician at the University of New Hampshire Coastal Marine Laboratory and participated in a six-month marine ornamental aquaculture internship at Biota Aquaculture in Palau.

In August 2016, Liz began her master’s program at the University of Florida Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory and graduated in 2018. Her research was funded through Rising Tide Conservation and focused on developing aquaculture protocols for three highly valuable species of Halichoeres wrasses: H. melanurusH. chrysus, and H. iridis.

Liz is a true fish nerd and enjoys keeping aquariums, scuba diving, and traveling to new and exotic places.

Liz Groover bio page

Google Scholar Profile

  • Education

    M.S., 2018, University of Florida

    B.S., Marine Biology, 2015, Roger Williams University

  • Selected Publications

    Groover, E.M., M.M. Alo, S.W. Ramee, T.N. Lipscomb, J.M. Degidio, and M.A. DiMaggio. 2021. Development of early larviculture protocols for the Melanurus Wrasse Halichoeres melanurus. Aquaculture. 
    Read Here

    Groover, E.M., M.A. DiMaggio, and E.J. Cassiano. 2020. Overview of commonly cultured marine ornamental fish. University of Florida/IFAS EDIS Publication FA224. 
    Read Here

    DiMaggio, M.A., E.M. Groover, J. van Senten, and M. Schwarz. 2017. Species Profile: Clownfish. SRAC Fact Sheet 7213

    Groover, E.M. 2013. Effects of shore proximity and depth on the distribution of fish larvae in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean.  Physis: Journal of Marine Science 14:49-60.


  • Presentations

    DiMaggio, M., M. Sipos, T. Lipscomb, A. Wood, S. Ramee, E. Groover, and C. Watson. 2019. Evaluation of cGnRH IIa for induced spawning of four ornamental fish species. Aquaculture 2019. New Orleans, Louisiana. 

    DiMaggio, M., E. Groover, M. Alo, S. Ramee, and T. Lipscomb. 2019. Evaluation of culture techniques for two Halichoreswrasses H. melanurus and H. chrysus. Aquaculture 2019. New Orleans, Louisiana. 

    Lipscomb, T., A. Wood, S. Ramee, M. Sipos, E. Groover, and M. DiMaggio. 2018. Replacing Artemia in the larval culture of six freshwater ornamental fish. Aquaculture America 2018. Las Vegas, Nevada. (Invited)

    Groover, E., M. DiMaggio, M. Alo, J. Degidio, S. Ramee, T. Lipscomb, and M. Sipos. 2018. Greenwater culture and larval development of the melanurus wrasse Halichores melanurus. Aquaculture America 2018. Las Vegas, Nevada. 

    Sipos, M., T. Lipscomb, A. Wood, S. Ramee, E. Groover, C. Watson, and M. DiMaggio. Evaluation of cGnRH IIa for induced spawning of Epalzeorhynchos bicolor and Synodontis nigriventris. Aquaculture America 2018. Las Vegas, Nevada. 

    Sipos, M., T. Lipscomb, A. Wood , S. Ramee, E. Groover, C. Watson, and M. DiMaggio. 2017. Evaluation of cGnRH IIa for induced spawning of Synodontis nigriventris. Aquaculture America 2017. San Antonio, TX.

    Lipscomb, T., A. Wood, S. Ramee, M. Sipos, E. Groover, and M. DiMaggio. 2017. Evaluating live feed alternatives for the culture of four commercially valuable ornamental teleosts. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida.

    Sipos, M., T. Lipscomb, A. Wood, S. Ramee, E. Groover, C. Watson, and M. DiMaggio. 2017. Evaluating cGnRH IIa for spawning induction of two freshwater ornamental fish species. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida.

    Groover, E., M. Alo, J. Digidio, S. Ramee, T. Lipscomb, and M. DiMaggio. 2017. Captive culture and larval development of the Melanurus Wrasse, Halichoeres melanurus. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida. (poster)

    Groover, E., M. Alo, J. Digidio, S. RameeT. Lipscomb, and M. DiMaggio. 2017. Captive culture and larval development of the Melanurus Wrasse, Halichoeres melanurus. Marine Aquarium Conference of North America, New Orleans, Louisiana. (poster)

  • Awards

    2019 UF FAS Thesis of the Year

    2018 American Fisheries Society Fish Culture Section Best Student Abstract Travel Award

    2018 UF SFRC/FAS Master’s Student of the Year.

    2018 United States Aquaculture Society Student Spotlight Award

    2018 University of Florida Graduate Student Council Travel Grant

    2018 United States Aquaculture Society Student Travel Award

    2017  University of Florida IFAS Travel Grant

    2016-2017 Marine Aquarium Society of North America Graduate Student Scholarship