Extension Publications
The following publications address a variety of topics pertaining to commercial ornamental aquaculture and non-native species. The majority of these publications are extension fact sheets from the University of Florida's Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) and the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC), of which the University of Florida is a part. Each publication is an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.
University of Florida extension publications provided here cover a wide area of interests including profitable and sustainable agriculture, environment and natural resources, 4-H and other youth programs, Florida-friendly landscapes, economic well-being and life quality for individuals and families and communities that are vibrant and prosperous. All University of Florida extension publications can be found at the University's Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS).
General Aquaculture | Ornamental Aquaculture | Non-Ornamental Aquaculture | Water Quality | Recirculating Aquaculture Systems | Fish Health Management | Fish Diseases - Parasites | Fish Diseases - Bacteria |Fish Diseases - Viruses | Fish Disease - Fungal | Non-Infectious Diseases | Fish Diseases - Other | Treatments and Biologics | Nutrition and Feeding | Induced Spawning | Harvesting, Grading and Transport | Aquaculture Equipment and Engineering | Aquatic Weed Control | Pesticides | Predation | Economics and Business Management | Disaster Assistance | Corals | Non-Native Species | Aquatic Veterinary Professional Development | Miscellaneous | Aquarium Hobbyists and Pond Owners | Youth| Publicaciones en español
- Introduction to Aquaculture (SRAC 005) (Video)
- Aquaculture: Realities and Potentials When Getting Started (SRAC 441)
- Opportunities and Obstacles to Aquaculture in Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-221)
- Developing Business Proposals for Aquaculture Loans (SRAC 381)
- Good Aquaculture Practices (SRAC 4404)
- Preventing Escape from Aquaculture Operations (SRAC 4312)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 1: General Considerations and Regulations (UF Fact Sheet FA-195)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 2: Facility Evaluation Strategies (UF Fact Sheet FA-196)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 3: Structural Strategies (UF Fact Sheet FA-197)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 4: Operational Strategies (UF Fact Sheet FA-198)
- Overview of Urban Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-217)
- The History of Offshore Aquaculture Governance in the Gulf of Mexico (UF Fact Sheet FA-230)
- The Effects of Regulation on Ornamental Aquaculture Farms in Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-248)
- The Effects of Regulations on the Florida Ornamental Aquaculture Industry, an Infographic (UF Fact Sheet FA-258)
- Third Party Certifications in Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-233)
- Freshwater Ornamental Fish Commonly Cultured in Florida (UF Circular 54)
- Peces ornamentales de agua dulce comúnmente cultivados en Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-237)
- Overview of Commonly Cultured Marine Ornamental Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-224)
- Aquaculture Applications of the Family Blenniidae (UF Fact Sheet FA-225)
- Aquaculture Applications of the Family Gobiidae (UF Fact Sheet FA-226)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Evaluating an Aquatic Organism's Aquaculture Potential (UF Fact Sheet FA-146)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Discus Symphysodon spp., a Profitable but Challenging Species for Florida Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-166)
- Candidate Species for Marine Ornamental Aquaculture: French Grunt, Haemulon flavolineatum (UF Fact Sheet FA-186)
- Candidate Species for Marine Ornamental Aquaculture: Porkfish, Anisotremis virginicus (UF Fact Sheet FA-187)
- Design and Operation of Egg Collectors for Pelagic Spawning Marine Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-211)
- Evolution, Culture, and Care for Betta splendens (UF Fact Sheet FA-212)
- Freshwater Ornamental Aquatic Plant Production in Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-251)
- How Ornamental Fishes Get Their Color (UF Fact Sheet FA-192)
- Species Profile: Clownfish (SRAC 7213)
- Species Profile: Koi and Goldfish (SRAC 7201)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Evaluating an Aquatic Organism's Aquaculture Potential (UF Fact Sheet FA-146)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Almaco Jack, Seriola rivoliana (UF Fact Sheet FA-249)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus (UF Fact Sheet FA-254)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias undulates (UF Fact Sheet FA-148)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus (UF Fact Sheet FA-147)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Gulf Killifish, Fundulus grandis (UF Fact Sheet FA-190)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Hybrid Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis x Morone chrysops (UF Fact Sheet FA-155)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Pigfish, Orthropristis chrysoptera (UF Fact Sheet FA-160)
- Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Pinfish, Lagodon rhomboids (UF Fact Sheet FA-168)
- Farm-Raised Channel Catfish (UF Circular 1052)
- Culture of Hybrid Tilapia: A Reference Profile (UF Circular 1051)
- Tilapia: Life History and Biology (SRAC Fact Sheet 283)
- Cage Culture of Tilapia (SRAC Fact Sheet 281)
- Tank Culture of Tilapia (SRAC Fact Sheet 282)
- Common Farm-Raised Baitfish (SRAC Fact Sheet 120)
- Florida Marine Baitfish Aquaculture Series - Part 1: Marketing Opportunities and Challenges (UF Fact Sheet FA-256)
- Sturgeon Aquaculture--Specialized Techniques: Determining the Stage of Sexual Maturity in Female Sturgeon for Artificial Spawning: The Egg Maturation Assay (UF Fact Sheet FA-154)
- Sturgeon Aquaculture--Specialized Techniques: Determining the Stage of Sexual Maturity in Female Sturgeon for Artificial Spawning: The Egg Polarization Index or PI (UF Fact Sheet FA-153)
- Sturgeon Aquaculture--Specialized Techniques: Determining the Sex of Sturgeon by Direct Examination of Gonad Using a Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedure (UF Fact Sheet FA-183)
- Technically Speaking, What is Sturgeon Caviar? (UF Fact Sheet FA-194)
- How Do Oysters Remove Nitrogen? (UF Fact Sheet SL-498)
- Current Aquaculture of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica and Its Potential for Innovative Technology in Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-265)
- Interpretation of Water Analysis Reports for Fish Culture (SRAC 4606)
- Pond Aeration (SRAC Fact Sheet 3700)
- The Role of Aeration in Pond Management (UF Fact Sheet FA-6)
- Dissolved Oxygen for Fish Production (UF Fact Sheet FA-27)
- Measuring Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Aquaculture (SRAC 4601)
- Ammonia in Aquatic Systems (UF Fact Sheet FA-16)
- Ammonia in Fish Ponds (SRAC 463)
- Managing Ammonia in Fish Ponds (SRAC 4603)
- Nitrite in Fish Ponds (SRAC 462)
- Carbon Dioxide in Fish Ponds (SRAC 468)
- Interactions of pH, Carbon Dioxide, Alkalinity, and Hardness in Fish Ponds (SRAC 464)
- Managing High pH in Freshwater Ponds (SRAC 4604)
- Groundwater Treatment Before Use in Aquaculture (SRAC 4607)
- Design and Construction of Degassing Units for Catfish Hatcheries (SRAC 191)
- How to Start a Biofilter (SRAC 4502)
- The Use of Lime in Fish Ponds (UF Fact Sheet FA-38)
- Liming Ponds for Aquaculture (SRAC 4100)
- Algae Blooms in Commercial Fish Production Ponds (SRAC 466)
- Algal Toxins in Pond Aquaculture (SRAC 4605)
- Fertilizing Fish Ponds (SRAC 469)
- Fertilization of Fresh Water Fish Ponds (UF Fact Sheet FA-17)
- Control of Clay Turbidity in Ponds (SRAC 460)
- Pond Mixing (SRAC 4602)
- Characterization and Management of Effluents from Aquaculture Ponds in the Southeastern United States (SRAC 470)
Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
- Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: An Overview of Critical Considerations (SRAC 451)
- Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: Management of Recirculating Systems (SRAC 452)
- Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: A Review of Component Options (SRAC 453)
- Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: Integrating Fish and Plant Culture (SRAC 454)
- A Spreadsheet Tool for the Economic Analysis of a Recirculation Tank System (SRAC Fact Sheet 456)
- Pond Recirculating Production Systems (SRAC 455)
- Partitioned Aquaculture Systems (SRAC 4500)
- Constructing a Simple and Inexpensive Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) for Classroom Use (SRAC 4501)
- How to Start a Biofilter (SRAC 4502)
- Introduction to Fish Health Management (UF Circular 921)
- Introducción al manejo de la salud de los peces (UF Fact Sheet FA-246)
- Disease Prevention on Fish Farms (SRAC 4703)
- The Role of Stress in Fish Disease (SRAC 474)
- Investigating a Fish Die-Off and Submitting a Sample for Toxicology or Disease Diagnosis (SRAC 472)
- Fish Health Management Considerations in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems - Part 1: Introduction and General Principles (UF Circular 120)
- Fish Health Management Considerations in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems - Part 2: Pathogens (UF Circular 121)
- Fish Health Management Considerations in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems - Part 3: General Recommendations and Problem-Solving Approaches (UF Circular 122)
- Biosecurity in Aquaculture, Part 1: An Overview (SRAC 4707)
- Biosecurity in Aquaculture, Part 2: Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (SRAC 4708)
- Biosecurity in Aquaculture, Part 3: Ponds (SRAC 4712)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Sessile Ciliates (UF Fact Sheet FA-107)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Motile Ciliates (UF Fact Sheet FA-108)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Flagellates (UF Fact Sheet FA-109)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Dinoflagellates, Coccidia, Microsporidians, Myxozoans (UF Fact Sheet FA-110)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Monogeneans (UF Fact Sheet FA-111)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Digenean Trematodes (UF Fact Sheet FA-112)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Nematodes (UF Fact Sheet FA-113)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Acanthocephalans, Cestodes, Leeches, Pentastomes (UF Fact Sheet FA-114)
- Common Freshwater Fish Parasites Pictorial Guide: Crustaceans (UF Fact Sheet FA-115)
- Protozoan Parasites (SRAC 4701)
- Ich (White Spot Disease) (SRAC 476)
- Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (White Spot) Infections in Fish (UF Circular 920)
- Cryptocaryon irritans Infections (Marine White Spot Disease) in Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-164)
- Cryptobia iubilans in Cichlids (UF Fact Sheet VM-104)
- Amyloodinium ocellatum, an Important Parasite of Cultured Marine Fish (SRAC 4705)
- Myxosporidiosis (Myxozoan Infections) in Warmwater Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-201)
- Proliferative Gill Disease (Hamburger Gill Disease) (SRAC 0475)
- Monogenean Parasites of Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-28)
- Infestations of the Trematode Bolbophorus sp. in Channel Catfish (SRAC 1801)
- Nematode (Roundworm) Infections in Fish (UF Circular 91)
- Pentastomid Infections in Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-90)
- Argulus (Fish Louse) Infections in Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-184)
- Lernaea (Anchor Worm) Infestations in Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-185)
- Aeromonas Bacterial Infections - Motile Aeromonad Septicemia (SRAC 478)
- Columnaris Disease: A Bacterial Infection Caused by Flavobacterium columnare (SRAC 479)
- Streptococcal Infections of Fish (UF Circular 57)
- Mycobacterial Infections of Fish (SRAC 4706)
- ESC - Enteric Septicemia of Catfish (SRAC 0477)
- Herpesviruses in Fish (SRAC 4710)
- Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) Disease (UF Fact Sheet VM-149)
- Spring Viremia of Carp (UF Fact Sheet VM-142)
- Megalocytivirus Infections in Fish with Emphasis on Ornamental Species (UF Fact Sheet FA-182)
- Lymphocystis Disease in Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-181)
- Viral Nervous Necrosis (Betanodavirus) Infections in Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-180)
- Carp Edema Virus Disease (CEVD) / Koi Sleepy Disease (KSD) (UF Fact Sheet FA-189)
- Channel Catfish Virus Disease (SRAC 4702)
- Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV): a Globally Emerging Threat to Tilapia Aquaculture (UF FA-213)
Saprolegniasis (Winter Fungus) and Branchiomycosis of Commercially Cultured Channel Catfish (SRAC 4700)
- Toxicities of Agricultural Pesticides to Selected Aquatic Organisms (SRAC 4600)
- Mycotoxins in Aquaculture Feeds (SRAC 5002)
- First Report of an Emerging Ulcerative Skin Disease in Invasive Lionfish (UF Fact Sheet FA-209)
- Calculating Area and Volume of Ponds and Tanks (SRAC 103)
- Calculating Treatments for Ponds and Tanks (SRAC 410)
- Use of Copper in Freshwater Aquaculture and Farm Ponds (UF Fact Sheet FA-13)
- Use of Copper in Marine Aquaculture and Aquarium Systems (UF Fact Sheet FA-165)
- Use of Hydrogen Peroxide in Finfish Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-157)
- Use of Antibiotics in Ornamental Fish Aquaculture (UF Circular 84)
- Use of Formalin to Control Fish Parasites (UF Fact Sheet VM-77)
- Anesthetics in Aquaculture (SRAC 3900)
- Use of Vaccines in Finfish Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-156)
- Prebiotics and Probiotics: Definitions and Applications (SRAC 4711)
- Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) Exemptions and the National INAD Program (NIP) (SRAC 4709)
- Principles of Fish Nutrition (SRAC 5003)
- Fish Nutrition (UF Fact Sheet VM-114)
- Optimizing Nutrient Utilization and Reducing Waste through Diet Composition and Feeding Strategies (SRAC 6003)
- Interpreting a Fish Food Package Label (UF Fact Sheet FA-159)
- The Benefits of Fish Meal in Aquaculture Diets (UF Fact Sheet FA-122)
- The Concept of Ideal Protein in Formulation of Aquaculture Feeds (UF Fact Sheet FA-144)
- What Are Nutrient-Dense Fish Feeds and Their Importance to Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-145)
- Preparing Your Own Fish Feeds (UF Circular 97)
- Mycotoxins in Aquaculture Feeds (SRAC 5002)
- Decapsulating Brine Shrimp Eggs (UF Fact Sheet FA-18)
- Storage of Decapsulated Artemia (Brine Shrimp) (UF Fact Sheet FA-203)
- Artemia Production for Marine Larval Fish Culture (SRAC 702)
- Microworm Culture for Use in Freshwater Ornamental Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-214)
- Choosing an Appropriate Live Feed for Larviculture of Marine Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-167)
- Introduction to Marine Copepod Culture for Live Feeds Production (SRAC Fact Sheet 0703)
- Culture Techniques of Moina: The Ideal Daphnia for Feeding Freshwater Fish Fry (UF Circular 1054)
- Zooplankton Succession and Larval Fish Culture in Freshwater Ponds (SRAC 700)
- Culture of Small Zooplankton for the Feeding of Larval Fish (SRAC 701)
- Phytoplankton Culture for Aquaculture Feed (SRAC 5004)
- Using Airlifts to Collect and Concentrate Copepod Nauplii (UF Fact Sheet FA - 188)
- Introduction to Hormone-Induced Spawning of Fish (SRAC 421)
- Capturing, Handling, Transporting, Injecting and Holding Brood Fish (SRAC 422)
- Determining Sexual Maturity of Broodstock for Induced Spawning of Fish (SRAC 423)
- Hormonal Control of Reproduction in Fish for Induced Spawning (SRAC 424)
- Hormone Preparation, Dosage Calculation, and Injection Techniques for Induced Spawning: Baitfish and Ornamental Fish (SRAC 428)
- Use of Ovaprim in Ornamental Fish Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-161)
- Techniques for Taking and Fertilizing the Spawn of Fish (SRAC 426)
- Induction and Verification of Triploidy in Fish (SRAC 427)
- A Semen Extender for the Short-Term Storage of Fish Sperm (UF Fact Sheet FA-193)
- Design and Operation of Egg Collectors for Pelagic Spawning Marine Fishes (UF Fact Sheet FA-211)
Harvesting, Grading and Transport
- Anesthetics in Aquaculture (SRAC 3900)
- Harvesting Ornamental Fish from Ponds (UF Fact Sheet FA-117)
- Grading Ornamental Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-118)
- On-Farm Transport of Ornamental Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-119)
- Preparation of Ornamental Fish for Shipping (UF Fact Sheet FA-120)
- Shipping Fish in Boxes (SRAC 3903)
- Preventing Hitchhiking Nonindigenous Species in Live Shipments (SRAC 3902)
- Components and Use of an In-Pond Fish Grading System (SRAC 3901)
- Harvesting Warmwater Fish (SRAC 0394)
- Inventory Assessment Methods for Aquaculture Ponds (SRAC 0395)
- Transportation of Warmwater Fish: Equipment and Guidelines (SRAC 0390)
- Sorting and Grading Warmwater Fish (SRAC 0391)
- Transportation of Warmwater Fish: Procedures and Loading Rates (SRAC 0392)
- Transportation of Warmwater Fish: Loading Rates and Tips by Species (SRAC 0393)
Aquaculture Equipment and Engineering
- Management of Aquacultural Effluents from Ponds (SRAC 6004)
- Selecting the Proper Pump (SRAC 372)
- Piping Systems (SRAC 373)
- Open Channel Flow in Aquaculture (SRAC 374)
- Powering Aquaculture Equipment (SRAC 375)
- Design and Construction of Degassing Units for Catfish Hatcheries (SRAC 191)
- Selecting a Method for Sealing Ponds in Florida (UF Circular 870)
- Florida Greenhouse Design (UF Bulletin 235)
- Comparison of Energy Needed to Heat Greenhouses and Insulated Frame Buildings Used in Aquaculture (UF Circular 1198)
- Fan and Pad Greenhouse Evaporative Cooling Systems (UF Circular 1135)
- Fans for Greenhouses (UF Fact Sheet AE-12)
- Greenhouse Ventilation (UF Fact Sheet AE-10)
- Heating Greenhouses (UF Fact Sheet AE-11)
- Greenhouse Heating Checklist (UF Circular 791)
- Maintenance Guide for Greenhouse Ventilation, Evaporative Cooling Heating Systems (UF Fact Sheet AE-26)
- Energy Efficiency for Florida Aquaculture Facilities: Energy Audits (UF Fact Sheet FA-238)
- Aquatic Weed Management: Control Methods (SRAC 360)
- Aquatic Weed Management: Herbicides (SRAC 361)
- Aquatic Weed Management: Herbicide Safety, Technology, and Application Techniques (SRAC 3601)
- Using Grass Carp in Aquaculture and in Private Impoundments (SRAC 3600)
- Grass Carp, the White Amur: Ctenopharyngodon idella Cuvier and Valenciennes (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae: Squaliobarbinae (UF Fact Sheet EENY593)
- Aquatic Herbicide Mode of Action and Use Implications (SRAC 3602)
- Dylox® 420SL Special Local Need (SLN) Label for Florida Ornamental Aquaculture
- EPA Approval of Pesticide Labeling (UF Fact Sheet PI-167)
- Federal Regulations Affecting Use of Pesticides (UF Fact Sheet PI-131)
- Finding the Correct Pesticide Applicator License in Florida (UF Fact Sheet PI-1292)
- First Aid for Pesticide Exposure (UF Fact Sheet PI-1256)
- Gloves for Pesticide Applicators (UF Fact Sheet PI-296)
- Personal Protective Equipment for Handling Pesticides (UF Fact Sheet PI-28)
- Equipo de Protección Personal para la Manipulación de Pesticidas (UF Fact Sheet PI-243)
- Pesticide Container Rinsing (UF Fact Sheet PI-3)
- Pesticide Labeling: Directions for Use (UF Fact Sheet PI-104)
- Pesticide Labeling: Environmental Hazards Statements (UF Fact Sheet PI-99)
- Pesticide Labeling: First Aid Statements (UF Fact Sheet PI-98)
- Pesticide Labeling: Identification Numbers (UF Fact Sheet PI-108)
- Pesticide Labeling: Ingredient Statements (UF Fact Sheet PI-111)
- Pesticide Labeling: Labeling Claims (UF Fact Sheet PI-105)
- Pesticide Labeling: Miscellaneous Label Parts (UF Fact Sheet PI-109)
- Pesticide Labeling: Physical or Chemical Hazards (UF Fact Sheet PI-97)
- Pesticide Labeling: Signal Words (UF Fact Sheet PI-100)
- Pesticide Labeling: Storage and Disposal (UF Fact Sheet PI-106)
- Pesticide Labeling: Unique Product Labeling (UF Fact Sheet PI-110)
- Pesticide Recordkeeping (UF Fact Sheet PI-20)
- Pesticide Safety (UF Fact Sheet FS-11)
- Proper Disposal of Pesticide Waste (UF Fact Sheet PI-18)
- Protective Eyewear for Pesticide Applicators (UF Fact Sheet PI-1287)
- Respirators for Pesticide Applications (UF Fact Sheet PI-77)
- Secure Pesticide Storage: General Features (UF Fact Sheet PI-33)
- Storage Limitation Statements: Temperature—Herbicides (UF Fact Sheet PI-123)
- The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Continuing Education Unit (CEU) System for Certified Pesticide Applicators (UF Fact Sheet PI-40)
- The Importance of Keeping Pesticide Records (UF Fact Sheet PI-1246)
- Toxicity of Pesticides (UF Fact Sheet PI-13)
- What are Inert Ingredients? (UF Fact Sheet PI-44)
- Why Do We Use Pesticides? (UF Fact Sheet PI-103)
- Clasificación de las licencias para aplicadores dictadas por el Departamento de Agrucultura y Servicios al Consumidor del estado de la Florida (FDACS), relacionadas con agricultura y control de plagas (UF Fact Sheet PI-1249/PI-59-SPAN)
- Exposición de familias agricultoras al glifosato (UF Fact Sheet PI-1251)
- Avian Predators on Southern Aquaculture (SRAC 400)
- Controlling Bird Predation at Aquaculture Facilities: Frightening Techniques (SRAC 401)
Economics and Business Management
- Introduction to Financial Management of Aquaculture Business (SRAC 4400)
- Assessing the Financial Position of an Aquaculture Business: Using Balance Sheets (SRAC 4401)
- Determining the Profitability of an Aquaculture Business: Using Income Statements and Enterprise Budgets (SRAC 4402)
- Evaluating the Liquidity/Cash Position of an Aquaculture Business: Using Cash Flow Statements (SRAC 4403)
- Economics of Aquaponics (SRAC 5006)
- A Spreadsheet Tool for the Economic Analysis of a Recirculation Tank System (SRAC 456)
- The Effects of Regulation on Ornamental Aquaculture Farms in Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-248)
- The Effects of Regulations on the Florida Ornamental Aquaculture Industry an Infographic (UF Fact Sheet FA-258)
- USDA Farm Service Agency Disaster Assistance (UF Fact Sheet DH-0433)
- What You Need to Apply for Disaster Rehabilitation Assistance (UF Fact Sheet DH-0438)
- Culturing Corals: Rules and Regulations (FDACS Fact Sheet DACS-P-01545)
- A Guide to Common Stony Corals of Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-210)
- Coral Reef conservation Strategies for Everyone (UF Fact Sheet FA-199)
- The Coral Holobiont: A Brief Overview of Corals and Their Microbiome (UF Fact Sheet SL-520)
- Non-Native Species in Aquaculture: Terminology, Potential Impacts and the Invasion Process (SRAC 4303)
- Regulations Pertaining to Non-native Fish in Florida Aquaculture (UF Fact Sheet FA-121)
- Risk Analysis for Non-Native Species in Aquaculture (SRAC 4304)
- Emerging Issues Regarding Non-Native Species for Aquaculture (SRAC 4305)
- Preventing Hitchhiking Nonindigenous Species in Live Shipments (SRAC 3902)
- Integrated Management of invasive Plants in Natural Areas of Florida (UF Fact Sheet SP-242)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 1: General Considerations and Regulations (UF Fact Sheet FA195)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 2: Facility Evaluation Strategies (UF Fact Sheet FA196)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 3: Structural Strategies (UF Fact Sheet FA197)
- Preventing Escape of Non-Native Species from Aquaculture Facilities in Florida, Part 4: Operational Strategies (UF Fact Sheet FA198)
- Preventing Escape from Aquaculture Operations (SRAC 4312)
Aquatic Veterinary Professional Development
- Preparing for a Career in Aquatic Animal Medicine (UF Fact Sheet VM-146)
- Removing Fish from Ponds with Rotenone (SRAC 4101)
- Basic Aquaculture Genetics (SRAC 5001)
- Eastern Mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, for control of mosquito larvae. (UF Fact Sheet FA202)
Aquarium Hobbyists and Pond Owners
- Gold Rush: A Kid's Guide to Goldfish Care (UF Handout)
- The Ornamental Fish Trade: An Introduction with Perspectives for Responsible Fish Ownership (UF Fact Sheet FA-124)
- Sharks for the Aquarium and Considerations for Their Selection (UF Fact Sheet FA-179)
- Some Small Native Freshwater Fish Recommended for Mosquito and Midge Control in Ornamental Ponds (UF Fact Sheet ENY-670)
- Water Gardens (SRAC 435)
- Managing Florida Ponds for Fishing (UF Circular 802)
- Grass Carp: A Fish for Biological Management of Hydrilla and Other Aquatic Weeds in Florida (UF Bulletin BUL-867)
- Using Grass Carp in Aquaculture and in Private Impoundments (SRAC 3600)
- Eastern Mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, for Control of Mosquito Larvae (UF FA-202)
- Principles of Small-Scale Aquaponics (SRAC 5007)
- The Ornamental Fish Trade: An Introduction with Perspectives for Responsible Aquarium Fish Ownership (UF Fact Sheet FA-124)
- Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Introduction (UF Fact Sheet FA-177)
- Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Fish-Eating Contest (UF Fact Sheet FA-169)
- Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: How Big Is That Pond? (UF Fact Sheet FA-170)
- Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: What Makes a Good Fish Food? (UF Fact Sheet FA-172)
- Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Anatomy of a Fish (UF Fact Sheet FA-173)
- Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Chlorine—Friend or Foe? (UF Fact Sheet FA-FA171)
- Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Dancing with Brine Shrimp (UF Fact Sheet FA-FA176)
- Clasificación de las licencias para aplicadores dictadas por el Departamento de Agrucultura y Servicios al Consumidor del estado de la Florida (FDACS), relacionadas con agricultura y control de plagas (UF Fact Sheet PI-1249/PI-59-SPAN)
- Equipo de Protección Personal para la Manipulación de Pesticidas (UF Fact Sheet PI-243)
- Introducción al manejo de la salud de los peces (UF Fact Sheet FA-246)
- Peces ornamentales de agua dulce comúnmente cultivados en Florida (UF Fact Sheet FA-237)